WOW...Exactly 1 year ago at 2 am, as I write this, my OB was telling the ER staff to prep me...it was time for these triplets to make their entrance!!! Baby B (later known as Ru) had enough...and his water (or is that my water??? lol) broke at 11 pm, 3 hours earlier...which is when we called my IP to tell him I was on my way to the hospital! I laugh how they told me 3 times, NO your water didn't break...obviously their high tech tests failed. lol I remember I was a bit panicked when the Dr said it was time...especially after we just called the IP to tell him that it was a false alarm based on the tests. lol
To this day, I remember the first cries of each of the babies as they came into this world! Such strong healthy cries, despite the fact that they were coming at 33 1/2 weeks! To this day, you would never know that they were premies. I am so proud of these little babies, as I know their daddies are today! The picture above is of the triplets (from left to right, Zhen, Ru, Xia) on their first Christmas at Grandma's!
The tears I have as I write this entry to share with you, are those of joy and happiness that I have given to their two wonderful dads. I can just imagine the year they have had and more to come. I am forever thankful for being their surrogate, and for being able to see the triplets grow via pictures. As a first time surrogate, you just don't know what to expect, how you will feel and how much contact you want or if you can even have any.
While today is the triplets birthday, they well celebrate their first birthday on Saturday. Can't wait to see the pictures!
I would like to share that they (the triplets with their daddies) will be filming at their party for ads in repeal of California's passage of Proposition 8 (hope I worded that correctly). For more information, please go to http://www.gettoknowmefirst.org/Overview.html I too am personally sad that Prop 8 passed; it's just not right. I hope that these ads will make a difference and help others realize the importance of Marriage Equality... You have my support here in Minnesota!
Hugs to my little surro triplets as you celebrate your first birthdays! Hugs to your daddies too!!
Love Always,
A Surrogate Mom, Kerri