Saturday, August 12, 2006

August 12th, 2006 - Good News, Bad News

Good News: Today started a new cycle for me!!! Was thinking I'd text message my IP but he's spending the weekend with I dont think its as funny as the first time I did it knowing he was in jury duty. :)

Bad News: Was thinking we'd have the transfer take place the week of Labor Day, but the first ED didn't work out. But when there's bad news...there's good news to follow!!!

So...the Good News... I won't miss the first week of the kids school, especially with child #3 starting Kindergarten!!! My IP, who is a school teacher, won't miss the first week of school either. The clinic seems to think that we can still have a September transfer. IP & I are keeping our fingers crossed for September. IP's new ED is a good match and looking forward to working with her. LOL I guess I don't work with her, but I know my IP is happy. I feel the excitement again of getting ready for the transfers, ie the shots! lol

Well, that's about it for today. DH took the boys to the Game & Gun know that hunting stuff and ... entering Joe into some contest. LOL I forget what its called...but its where the dog runs down the dock and gets scored on how far he jumps into the water! Wish I could have gone but I have to clean and it wouldn't be much fun pushing the stroller around there with the little one. (Also just an excuse for me.) Actually, it would be neat to watch Joe compete. oh well. Better get the house picked up. We have three church camp counselors spending the week with us. Looking forward to that.

Have a great weekend!!!
A Surrogate Mom

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