Thursday, September 14, 2006

September 14th, 2006 - We've got a CALENDAR!!!

YEAH!!! The waiting has paid off and we are moving along... The nurse at the fertility clinic emailed me my calendar b/c I just couldn't wait for the mail to come with it! Isn't email great???

Well...looks like I will stop taking BC pills on 10/4 and then start the fertility drugs... Probable transfer between 10/25-10/27!!! Can't wait!!! Another trip to LA and my IP promised me canollis!!! My fav! (one of my many fav, lol)

This is way exciting! Can't wait. I will also start taking prenatals on 10/7...looking forward to that b/c my hair will start growing quicker! I have been growing my hair (for the second time) to donate to Locks of maybe by October I will be ready to cut my hair too!!! :)

Well I am just emotionally drained now...or maybe because with the kids in school, I am running around with my 23 month old and no naps!!! lol I miss the kids all being home!!! lol

So this is just going to be a short note tonight...night!!!

A Surrogate Mom

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