Tuesday, October 31, 2006

October 27th, 2006 - The Day After The Transfer

Well, technically bedrest ended at 8 pm PST time. Its hard being a mom and lay around doing nothing. My IP is pampering and spoiling me...with food. Its sort of like when you overfeed the gold fish and then they are floating on top of the water!!! lol j/k I know I have eaten such great food but by the end of the day, I was so full of food that I couldn't even eat a S'More that the kids made for me...I was like...TAKE IT AWAY! lol I'm not complaining b/c I loved every bit of food I had...so yummy!

It is very nice for me to have stayed at my IP's house rather then at the hotel by myself. I really think that the agency should consider having the surros have a spouse or friend come with them to the transfer, rather then be alone. I guess that's why I wanted my daughter to be there with me. I do know of some surros who's IPs have suggested bringing their spouses along. So maybe just having that option. I know my husband could not have gone because he stayed home and cared for our other 2 kids.

I also like that my IP was able to be here for the transfer, as I know that IPs can not always attend.

Talked with my IP about the ultrasound. Doc likes to do them before releasing surros to their own ob's but for those who live far, just have them done locally to them. We like Doc so IP will have me fly out there for the ultrasound. It will be a quick trip but, personally, I feel my IP will appreciate seeing the ultrasound live. I know when I saw the heartbeat of my first baby, it was exciting, facinating...and made it real for me. I know it will be like that for my IP too.

Well...another day closer to Nov 5th!

A Surrogate Mom

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