Wednesday, January 03, 2007

January 3, 2007 - There is an end....


Met with my OB today. We discussed the options that the fertility clinic mentioned. The decision was to do a D&C on Friday, with my pre-op in the morning (Thursday). My OB said had I considered the shot then he would have requested that I have a second opinion. So it felt good that my ob and I agreed on the D&C. I guess the shot is something that they use with cancer patients and something that is used in my situation too but my OB would not do it for me, either way.

When I did arrive at the clinic and checked in, there was an order for me to have another hcg test done. I guess they are not used to someone questioning procedures, but I just could not justify paying for it if I was there for a consult to have a D&C. So I went straight to talk to the dr. His nurse said I had to do it but I explained that I felt in unnecessary and wanted to verify with the dr that I needed it done. Everyone seemed crabby, btw. lol Seems they were overbooked and everyone was irritable. Oops...I apologized if I was a pain but I just feel responsible to avoid unnecessary procedures/bills for my IP, kwim? Well they apologized to me. phew! I think the visit went well today.

Why are we doing a D&C after I miscarried a month ago? Well as stated in previous posts, my hcg levels have seemed to stayed in the 200s and not zeroing out as they should....especially after 4 weeks have gone by. So my body thinks its pregnant and if I were to take a preggo test, it would be positive. I need to have zero HCG in my system. So basically, as stated before, its a chemical pregnancy and/or there are remaining tissues left from the embryo. They had hoped nature would take its course and via miscarriage things would go back to zero. So now its time to do a D&C which should do the trick.

So all in all, it was a good day.

A Surrogate Mom

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