Friday, February 23, 2007

February 23rd, 2007 - And down came the snow!!!

Its sooo cold out and the wind is blowing fiercely! AND its snowing! Now to keep our fingers crossed that its over by Sunday!

Not that I was too anxious to have my blood drawn, I was at the lab by 7:45 am (scheduled for 8 am) and at my ultrasound appointment by 8:05 (scheduled for 8:45 am). The ultrasound went well. My lining measured at a 12. The clinic said they want me to be at least at an thats perfect! And something about a triple something pattern. lol I'm not sure I want to ask...maybe I should google it (endometrial pattern - triple layer).

Here is a link to something I just read on the internet about the thickness:

The clinic called to say that my labs were good. I didn't ask for levels. I guess I should have asked. oh well. The lab was to test Estradiol and Progesterone levels. Lab and ultrasound were good, so we are set for embryo transfer on Tuesday. The embryos will not be thawed until they know I have gotten on the plane. I pray that they thaw without any problems. Crazy that you can freeze embryos and that they can live through it. All I know is that I hope that this takes this time. I am pretty psyched to do it now. YEAH b/c its COLD and Snowing and well 70 degrees and sunny in CA, sounds really nice right now! :)

I have to do my E2V shot every third night and tomorrow I will add the progesterone shots. The progesterone shots are nightly. I'm surprisingly doing ok. I think some of it has to do with having a big butt! lol

Well I guess thats it. I might as well go get my shot done now!
Have a great weekend!
A Surrogate Mom

1 comment:

Angie said...

For me the progesterone shots lasted 14 weeks. 2 cc's daily. Prepare for some soreness in your hips after a week or two. When you take your shots in the hips stand and turn your toes inward, it helps to stretch the muscle and makes the oil go in easier. The surrogate baby was 9 months old before the deep down pockets of bruising went away. Not to scare you but to prepare you. Heat helps to some extent. The rest you just have to deal with.
