Confession 1:
For the past month, I have been eating a big mac extra value meal about every other day...that I can't believe in 4 weeks all I have gained is 6 lbs! ROFL
But I religiously take my prenatal vitamins and eat a ton of good healthy foods every day, all day. I just have had these cravings (almost every day, lol) for Big Mac meals! I always get small fries though b/c those aren't good but I need that SALT! (I don't ever salt my foods, so basically that's the only excessive salt intake that I get.) lol I can barely eat half a Big Mac, so its not like I'm eating the entire sandwich! I usually throw it away or one of the kids eats the rest. I also crave fountain a nice big Diet Coke to wash down the Big Mac and Fries works great. The good thing too is that it is NOT everyday b/c I dont always have $$$ everyday. lol My last Big Mac meal was Saturday.
Confession 2:
Yesterday hubby, the kids and I made the almost 2 hour trip to hubby's parents at 5:30 am because I needed the truck to go play bingo at noon! lol Hubby likes to lay on the guilt trip for when I do the day thing of Bingo at the Casino. Had a nice quick visit with grandma "monkey" (as the 3 yr old calls her) and grandpa and was back home by 11 am! I left the kids and hubby to go play Bingo all I have been waiting over a month for this big day of Bingo! lol Our oldest daughter decided to clean the kitchen...I mean CLEAN...empty the dishwasher, fill it, wash the dishes that don't go in the dishwasher, cleaned the microwave! OMG yes, the microwave....swept up all the garbage (well you know...the twist ties from the bread that no one can ever throw away but leave on the counter until they get knocked on the ground), little kid toys, etc on the floor in the kitchen and under the table! Its nice to see my kitchen counters again! I don't even feel guilty for not being there to help. I did make a cake and two dozen cookies with my 3 year old today...I thought that would be nice for her cleaning! :) I won during the matinee session of Bingo which paid for my bingo, some slot machine time afterwards and my dinner! lol Then the evening session was a was a $60 buy in where the games and specials pay out considerably higher then usual. I won on a game that paid out $1200...too bad so did someone else so I had to share that....better then not I won't complain.
Confession #3:
I lay around all day, in between playing with my 3 yr old, because I'm afraid if I'm too active the babies might come early. Well I'm at 26 weeks and not on bedrest, which the drs are happy with as they said to expect to be by 25 weeks!!! I guess if I had gone on with my normal routines, I would have been on bed rest by now.... :( I want my bed rest! lol Truth be husband won't help out until I'm on bedrest...normally he does, so I can't complain but since he has to do everything when I'm on bedrest, he says he gets OFF TIME until that time! Well somehow I didn't play this whole poor me preggo with triplets right! lol Ok, on a serious note here...I'm glad that I can lay around as much as I do b/c being pregnant with triplets is very tiring...but an experience that I can live to tell. many women can say they have experience triplets without having to raise them??? lol
Confession #4:
I have my cell phone with me 24/7 so I can check my email and hope some day to get an I-phone or something where I can easily access my email and internet then on my simple phone. I LOVE to also read the news on my cell phone...I have CNN, ABC News, Newsday (a NY paper) and FoxNews bookmarked on my phone. Stinks when they don't update their sites enough during the day and I'm forced to read the international news!
Confession #5:
I am so glad that I don't have to push three babies out my butt but am an automatic candidate for a C-Section! They told me with twins that I would have to have then naturally!!! How scary is that but as these babies can come in 4 to 10 weeks, the thought of a c-section freaks me out. Think about it....they are going to cut my belly open and pull 3 alien creatures out of me! ROFL sorry was thinking of that movie Aliens where the hand reaches out of the stomach! BTW I wish they could knock me out for the c-section and it be over with when I wake up. lol
Confession #6:
I can't stand talking on the phone. Why can't everyone just have email or text messaging on their cell phones???
Confession #7:
My 3 yr old is not potty trained yet b/c I don't know how to do it. I'm waiting for her to get tired of her diapers. lol
Confession #8:
I just wrote this post because I'm really bored and napped out, but now its officially bed I can go to bed! (That and I refuse to pay my husband's cable bill nothing to watch b/c we get no tv signals in the country!)
Have a good night, friends!
A Surrogate Mom
1 comment:
I have been silently reading your posts for a few months. Now time to confess! I don't think your big mac attack is so bad. When I was pg with my youngest we lived in Germany. The nearest McD's was miles away. My husband went to field duty and while there he bought me a big mac thinking that the next day he would be leaving for home and that since it was very cold it would be ok....well he didn't get back for 3 days...and guess what! I ate every bite of it! I didn't get sick but now the thought makes me shudder! Thinking back it stillw as the best Big Mac I have ever eaten!
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