Yes, that's right...I'm finally pregnant. The 5 day transfer produced 9 embryos, all in excellent condition. So 3 embryos were transfered on May 30th. Stayed at the Beverly Hilton which was really nice there. Came home on June 1st. On Day 5 after the transfer, I got my first positive home test on a cheapie test. The EPT and digital did not pick up the positive pregnancy until Day 6 after the transfer. So that was a relief. Had my Beta test first thing on June 9th. My HCG level was 207....this is good although I was hoping for a little higher number. Per the fertility clinic, anything over 100 is a positive pregnancy. 200+ is possible multiples, so crossing my fingers for twins. I highly doubt all three took because of the HCG level, but what do I know? That is just my unprofessional guess. I know I will be bummed if it is just one as I've been hoping for the experience of carrying twins. Time will tell.
My 6 week ultrasound will be the morning of June 25th...I'll actually be 6 weeks and 1 day. They dont like to do ultrasounds on weekends on women during their first trimesters due to lack of doctors available and the fact that miscarriages are more likely during the first trimester. Techs are not allowed to tell patients what they see. So 7 more days before I will find out how many babies I am carrying.
I will have additional ultrasounds at 8 weeks and 10 weeks. Then after that time I will be released to see my local OB. It is just finally exciting that I am pregnant.
So how am I feeling? Well tired. Sometimes I dont feel pregnant...not that I really would feel anything. lol I had a bunch of PMS type cramping here and there, which is normal. My surro friends say its the embryos burrowing into my uterus...told this to my husband and he's relates that to maggots...nice, hubby! (He thinks he's so funny!) I also experienced some spotting a few that was freaky but the dr says that was fine and reminded me that they told me it happens. My friend who is my children's pediatrician says she's heard that the spotting is common with multiples, which is something that I also heard from my surro friends. I tend to feel like crap after I eat Chinese food and Chipotle! lol Nothing bad...just that might be something to not eat while pregnant. lol I love Chinese food and Chipotle. We don't have Chipotle around here anyways, so I only have it every 2 weeks when I bring my daughter to her dad's every other weekend! I dont feel morning sickness other then a little in the evenings.
I'm still doing the progesterone shots every night. My butt is very sore so it hurts with the poke. I do the e2v shots every third night still. I guess I continue to do this until 10 weeks. I also take a new pill at night called Estrace. Thankfully its sooo small compared to the HUGE prenatal vitamin I take every night. And if that's not enough to take...there is still more that I have to do.... I have to take progesterone pills in the AM and PM... Now that's everything that I'm taking! Let me tell you...there is a lot you have to do as a surrogate. I am just thankful that I can do my own shots and they are all into my butt.
So I think I have you all up to date. Its been so busy here now that the kids are out of school and they are busy with baseball and softball. Kids are all doing well. Not bored yet but they sure are making a mess of the house...its been pretty hot during the day so if they aren't in the pool, they are inside. Thank goodness for central air!
So I will check in sometime Monday evening and give you an update from my ultrasound.
Have a great week!!!
A Surrogate Mom
About time you post, woman! I have been checking to see what is up!
Oh, I forgot - congratulations!!!
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