Tuesday, June 26, 2007

June 26th - The Next Day

So my psych dr calls today. Asks me if I'm freaked (re: carrying triplets). lol I actually am not. I am just thankful it wasn't one. I know crazy! But hey...I said I wanted the experience of multiples. lol

I'm not sure if the babies can hear just yet, but my two little ones sang songs to my belly last night. They are so funny. They also said a special prayer for the third baby to grow and to get strong. As I watched my little ones, I thank God every day for my 4 children. They are so thoughtful and give me strength as we wait out the fate of the third baby.

This sort of reminds me when I was 9 and there was this baby born named Samantha. She was born with 3 holes in her heart and with down syndrome. The doctors did not give her more the 3 months to live. Samantha was placed in foster care with my family because her parents were unable to care for her with the medical conditions. Her parents and my parents (who ended up adopting her with her parents blessings) never gave up on this little baby. Samantha lived to be 7 years old. With a little hope and love AND a miracle, she survived. It might have been a short lived life, but we gave her a chance. Samantha who was born on July 12th, died Nov 8th. Coincidentally, my first child was born July 12th and my second child was born Nov 8th. Strange, huh?

Well, on a funny note...I pray that if I do miscarry, it happens at home and not when I'm at one of the kids' baseball games or at BINGO! Seriously, its really hard to leave the home knowing it could happen anytime...or will it?

Ok...time for a nap before venturing out to my daughter's softball game tonight. Have a great day!

A Surrogate Mom

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