There you go! Baby A, Baby B and Baby C as they have been calling them now. Today was our 10 week ultrasound with the Perinatologist. Baby C is doing fine, measuring a day or two behind Baby A and Baby B. Their explanation of why Baby C's sac is smaller is that the other two babies are taking up the space. Baby C has a good heartbeat and is growing the way it should be for how far along I am. Its just that Baby A and Baby B are bigger. So I guess no worries yet...unless they tell our dr otherwise. I have not heard from the fertility clinic about the results from this ultrasound.
So I have been referred by my local OB to Abbott Perinatology for my pregnancy, and I will assume that my fertility dr will be releasing me to them as well. The only bummer is that I will have to travel to the cities for my appointments. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't drive a Suburban! lol I'm a good driver...just haven't driven in the CITIES in a few years since moving to the country! BUT the good thing is that I'm going to plan my visits so I can bring some good food home! lol We dont have anything good where we live...restaurants and take out that is. :)
OK....I still can not believe I'm carrying Triplets!!! Sometimes I sit here and think WOW. lol AND pray that the morning sickness will go away! Couple of more weeks and it should, right?!
I have been getting really sick lately. My youngest son says its because of all the pooping that the babies are doing in my belly. lol (ok) My youngest daughter sort of understands that there are babies in my belly from the pictures and from time to time she will YELL at my belly...HELLOOOO!!!!
oh...I have to run...my neighbor wants to go to Red Lobster in the Cities...lol....so I'd be crazy to say NO! BBL
Have a great day!
A Surrogate Mom
1 comment:
Amazing!!! You still leave me speachless :)
Take care!!
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