Ok...it was a BIG scare. You know how you have to always go potty during the night...a ton of times...when you're pregnant? It gets where I sometimes dream that I've gotten up and gone...ok...or I'm dreaming that I'm sitting there going...lol Ok, I KNOW some of you know what I mean. Well I was having that dream that I was going but this time was wierd b/c I could see myself sleeping...on the potty going! lol Ok...that's the funny part until I woke up realizing what was REALLY happening.
I woke up to blood gushing out. I actually was calm about it as it meant that maybe I lost one of the triplets, although I prayed that the babies were ok. Called the dr and since we just had a terrible storm and some major roads were flooded around the cities, I wasn't sure how long it would take to get to the cities...remember, it doesn't take 40 min to get there...now its over an hour and with roads out due to excessive flooding...well it was just crazy. It was decided that I needed to go to a local hospital b/c at 13 weeks there really isn't anything to be done if I'm miscarrying. I did need to be seen to make sure I didn't loose too much blood. So at 2 am I drove myself to Cambridge hospital and they admitted me to the maternity ward. Funny...there was NO ONE there having babies... just me with triplets and another gal with twins who wasn't there to deliver. It was a good laugh for the drs and nurses that day...what are the chances of having triplets and twins in one day...HECK...in a small country town!
I lost a lot of blood between arriving at the hospital and 6 am. It slowed down by the time I was taken down for an ultrasound at 8 am. WELL....we were all surprised to see 3 babies actively moving around and looking good. phew! Seems that there was a 2 cm hole that formed between the uterus and the placenta. So blood was leaking out. This is something that corrects on its own, via blood clotting and it heals over. Had I been further along, this hole could have caused the placenta to tear away, which then is not good. Anyways the dr says that this is common and few weeks of bedrest and rest for this to heal over and I will be fine.
DH missed work today and I am just not up to driving myself to my OB appt tomorrow. So that is rescheduled for next Wed, Aug 22 as DH taking another day off is not an option...unless of course he doesn't care if they fire him. lol Ok...so reschedule it is.
Anyways I think rescheduling my appt for next week will be good b/c then I will have another ultrasound then and can see how things are from today.
Ok...here is an update on the babies (as well as pictures). Baby B in these pics is the smallest one. I am 13 weeks 2 days. Baby A is measuring 14 weeks, 2 days with a heart rate of 157 beats per minute. Baby B is measuring 13 weeks 3 days with a heart rate of 178 beats per minute. Baby C is measuring 14 weeks 0 days with a heart rate of 178 beats per minute.
It was neat seeing how much the babies have grown and to see them moving, kicking, moving their arms and one of the babies was sucking its thumb!
When I was at the hospital they gave me something for the nausea and it was SO nice to not feel sick for a long period of time! Ironically when I went home at 6 pm tonight, the pill wore off and I was miserable again! lol :)
It was such a long day today and well, I'm ready for bed.
And relieved that the babies are ok. What a scary day!
Have a great day!
A Surrogate Mom
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