Wednesday, August 01, 2007

August 1st, 2007 - 35W Bridge

Just after 6 pm tonight, my husband wakes me up from my nap to tell me the horrific news...35W bridge collapsed over the Mississippi. It sent a terrible feeling through my body...pretty much like the day I watched the Twin Towers in NY collapse on 9/11. To think that 8 hours before the collapse of the bridge, my husband was crossing over that very same bridge after a job interview in the city! To think that last Friday, we drove over that bridge get to my appt at Abbott and to return to home. To think that this is the bridge that I am supposed to take to get to my OB appointments. My exit is the first after you cross over the bridge. I already was having anxiety that the drive from my home was 40 it will take at least 90 minutes....SO not good. BUT the time and distance is nothing compared to what just happened to those people who where on the bridge when it collapsed.

What a terrible thing to happen. I watched the tv for 4 hours straight. I had to turn it off b/c I just felt terrible. Thanks to my friends in other states for the texts and emails. I am thankful that we were nowhere near there when it happened. Half our after it happened, I got a text from my friend in news of this tragedy was everywhere. I guess, too, the gov't was making sure that it wasn't a terrorist act and assure all that it was not anything to worry was just a structural accident.

My next OB appt is Aug 15th, so I will have to go by myself. NOT really looking forward to that. It will be a long day there too, so its not like anyone will go with me anyways. lol I'm supposed to have genetic counseling at 10 am, ultrasound at 11, and ob visit at 1 pm! NICE, eh? Well the ob visit and counseling were scheduled LAST Friday which we went to, but the office messed up things and rescheduled this appt for the 15th with my ultrasound! Let me tell you...I wasn't too happy.

Anyways...I am feeling yukky still and the morning sickness hasn't gotten any worse this week...still about the same. I feel totally wiped out and rest a lot. And you know that I'm not faking it because ONE...I missed a special night of Bingo at the Casino that I've been looking forward to all month (of July) and I have not been online very much other then to approve messages in my groups.

I just ran out of the preggo pop drops :( I have the suckers, but for some reason they suck! lol I really like the drops. Got to get some more!!! I will have cravings for fruit but then it makes me sick. Ok...pineapples and watermelon are no good anymore! lol Good on the watermelon b/c its a BEECH to cut up! lol I'm trying to drink lots of water but there is only so much water that I can drink before that makes me gag! lol The good thing though....I've cut down on fountain pop.... That used to make my stomach feel a bit better....doesn't really seem to do the trick anymore. :( Taco salad (not too spicy meat) makes me feel ok....I've been liking that.

Other then that, I am pretty good. I'm healthy, babies are too. I sometimes think I can feel them move but so not sure. WOW to think that on Sunday I will be 12 weeks along!

Well, I got to get back to bed b/c I really don't feel the greatest. I did want to get online and post, so everyone knew we were ok and NOT near the bridge when it collapsed. Thanks Friends!

Have a great day!
A Surrogate Mom

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