Tuesday, September 04, 2007

September 4th, 2007 - The First Day of School

Can you imagine what the first day of kindergarten will be like for someone having triplets??? lol My three oldest went back to school today. Thank goodness they are not triplets! I have one that started High School and one that started Middle School and the third one started 1st grade! So pretty neat having one child in each of the three schools! My baby and I just got back from seeing the kids off at the bus stop. Bus was on time and all seemed to go well. Little anxious to see how the first grader does with the bus. It's his first year since I was to worried about him and the others taking the bus last year. All the kids are bussed to the Middle School where then the Elementary and High School kids transfer! Ok...so its probably more scary for the parents!

Anyways...my almost 3 year old is upstairs watching Dora and I'm thinking I'm about to be sick! lol I usually stay in bed until 10 or 11 am so I get past the "morning sickness." I got up at 6 am to make breakfast for the kids. I think its not a good thing for this here preggo mom! lol

I am 16 weeks now...16 weeks and 2 days to be exact. The nausea isn't as severe but I still feel it at times throughout the day. In the late afternoon I still get sick but I usually feel tons better after that. I think I can feel the babies more...its more like a swooshing around in my belly feel. My next appointment is a week from tomorrow. I am looking forward to that appointment. I am still bleeding but the doctors aren't too concerned because they say its old blood. All I know its yukky blood and any blood is just freaky when you're pregnant. They said at my last appointment my cervix was nice and long and thick. So that is supposed to be good. Nevertheless, per dr's orders, I'm taking it easy. I'm up for a few hours and then I try to nap...its more like rest b/c the kids seem to talk to me when I'm sleeping, so that doesn't work. Since the kids are in school, I can't really nap because of the little one around. So hoping that won't be too stressful.

I visited a daycare center for the little one to go to when I go to dr appts and when on bedrest. It seems nice. I only visited one. I opted to go with a center so she can be around kids just her age, as opposed to a home daycare with variety of ages. Plus the center should get her ready for the preschool setting. When we visited, it looked as though we won't have any problems leaving her there and her being upset. Now hopefully she will potty trained. Strangley and oddly enough, she has taken to doing #2 on the potty but not #1. Go figure! Actually, ok, that is better, but NO diapers at this point would be nice. HEY imagine having to potty train triplets at the same time??? lol

Well, I just heard little one get down from the kitchen table so time to get off the computer and back upstairs.

Have a great day!
A Surrogate Mom

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