Thursday, September 27, 2007

September 27th, 2007 - Moving right along


So had my level 2 ultrasound today. The u/s tech was 30 minutes late, so it sort of put things back and we had to wait around afterwards for the ob dr to come back from wouldn't have been so bad if my IP didn't have a plane to catch and if I didn't have to rush back to Cambridge to get to the bank before 3!

My IP flew in last night so he could attend my OB appt. He's got the u/s pics so I will have to have him scan them so I can add them to this entry. The level 2 u/s was interesting at first but then I was bored as heck....I think it took THREE hours! Thank goodness I had to cancel my 1 pm appt with the dietician...I would have never made it in time.

All three babies are doing fine... Baby A is measuring 20 weeks, Baby B is at 19 weeks 1 day, and baby C is at 20 weeks 4 days. While all three are well and have good heartbeats....and ok....we need to watch Baby B's growth as its slowing down because of lack of room. OB dr says that if she runs out of room that will speed up the need to deliver early. Hopefully NOT too early. Ideally, 32 weeks would be convenient for me, lol, as the kids will be out of school and then I don't need to stress too much about the little one with daycare. Actually, come to think of it...that's not really a problem. Baby is going to Susi's (my friend and neighbor), so DH can just drop her off and pick her up real easily. On Friday's Susi has school so DH can just take the day off, as his boss is aware of what's going on. So that should work.

I go back in 2 weeks (Oct 10th) and in 5 weeks (Oct 31st). I also have to get in and take my 3 hour glucose test. I guess my levels were even more elevated today....probably b/c of the pint of ice cream that I ate between Monday and yesterday! lol OH....but the good thing for me...I only gained 1 lb since my last appt two weeks ago. I finally got a refill rx for my I guess I better go get those filled and start taking them again. lol

Well I got to the bank at 2:55 pm! phew...nothing like cutting it close! And my IP texted me that he got to his plane just in that all worked out.

Anyways...nothing too exciting going on with the babes and I would say that is good and I've got about 14-16 weeks to go!

Thanks for checking in with me!
Have a great day!

A Surrogate Mom

1 comment:

cathyellie said...

I am like a junkie checkin the site each day for updates!! How exciting!!
How about a few Kerri Pregnant with trips photos...LOL I am curious what a triplet tummy at 20 weeks looks like...LOL