Wednesday, October 03, 2007

October 3rd, 2007 - Wednesdays are Church Nights!

I'm so daughter has been going to LOGOS at church since 4th grade and this is her last year. I was too "shy" to volunteer big at first, so I just did things like send in snacks and make desserts. Last year I did that plus kitchen...helping prepare the dinner....and subbed as a Table Parent....and this year, despite being preggo with triplets, I volunteered as a Table Parent. I'm a little nervous but I know I will have fun. I think I'm more nervous on the kids I might get at my table...I hope that they are good. I've really wanted to be a Table Parent but was a bit nervous of the weekly commitment. Anyways...I'm one this year and it starts officially tonight. For those of you who don't know...LOGOS is a church activity at our Lutheran church...I believe other churches have similar programs, maybe call it differently. Our program is for 4th through 6th graders...its Wed after school and there is a church bus that picks up the kids from school...and then they are there until 6:30. They have indoor/outdoor activities, bible study, crafts, music, etc and then the last hour is dinner. The kids are assigned to the same table each week and there are two table parents present. It is a lot of fun. My daughter started playing Chimes at Logos in 4th grade and loves it...I hope that she goes on to do Bells...I think she might. 1st grader wants to participate in the kids church choir and they meet at the church after school until 4:15. They take the same bus as the Logos kids...AND I"M EXTREMELY NERVOUS about that for him. lol I think its the preggo hormones! His sister is in 6th grade which is not at the same school anymore, so she can't even help him. I had a hard time explaining the bus to him...the 1st grade sub teacher said he'd find out where this bus is and make sure he walked him over there for me. Still has me nervous...but this bus is there every year and I am sure the teachers all know to get the kids on it today. A lot of the teachers go to the church hopefully that is helpful. Just can't help being nervous! lol I was already worried last night as how my 6th grader would get there b/c the last time I heard, the church was looking for someone to drive the van to the middle school to get the 6th I wasn't sure if she was riding with a parent or the church course, I think of this the night before! That is all taken care van will be there...

Anyways, I was just excited to be a Table Parent and had to well as vent my hormonal

I am doing well with the triplets. Know that thing women say about if they are carrying high or low....doesn't work for me...never has....all 4 of my babies were all over....and well with the triplets...they are high some days, and low others....and I think they have found my bladder or something b/c they like to kick it and make it uncomfortable for me to walk (Of course, I could be exaggerating....walking is not so much fun right now) Anyways....I have a little more energy these days, provided I can rest every few hours. So right now I need to go make 2 pans of brownies and before I have to get my 1st grader from church (provided he makes it there today, lol), then go back at 5 for LOGOS dinner. :)

Oh...taking my 3 hour glucose test this Saturday, which reminds me...I need to go call the lab and schedule it. lol Would help, eh? Then I have my next OB appt next Wed.

Have a great day!
A Surrogate Mom

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