Saturday, July 08, 2006

April 10th, 2006 - Results of my nicotine test


YES! Just the news I wanted to hear. What a relief and no more stressing about this. Its funny...I have never been a smoker, never cared for it, nor would I date anyone who smoked. AND no I wasn't desparate when I married my husband. lol

The bad thing though...I have repeatedly told DH how the second hand smoke affects the children, and this only proves to him now that its not affecting the kids. He is good about not smoking around the children but if the children go down to his playroom (yes, his adult playroom...big screen and xbox 360!, lol), then they are around smoke. We live in a new construction home and by law, the new homes must have air exchangers. These air exchangers work great in homes that there are smokers because it pulls the smoke out...and your walls and ceiling dont turn yellow. DH smokes in his playroom and outside, and NEVER upstairs where the kids are all the time.

Nevertheless, DH is cutting back on smoking and will be smoke free soon, as he promised.

Just thought I would share this too. DH's family are all smokers...big smokers. (yuck, eh?) DH has smoked since he was 13, so quitting now at age 36, is a big deal for him. I am happy that he is quitting so he can live many more years with the children and me! From now until the end of my surrogacy, I will be staying away from places that will subject me to second hand smoke...that includes family events unless they come to our home. I am medically cleared and ready to be matched! At the screening they said that there are more Intended Parents then surrogates, so hopefully there will be a match for me quickly. Will call the Agency to let them know I'm cleared to go. HOW EXCITING!!!

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