Wednesday, July 26, 2006

July 26th, 2006 - 5 months until Christmas!!!


Just looking for a fun Title. How does that work? :)

Well, it looks like there might be a chance that the Transfer will not happen next month as planned. BUT that's okay, we are still going to be positive that it will happen in August, but if it happens in September, that is okay too. Things happen for many reasons. You don't realize how much work goes into a planned pregnancy! lol I supposed its a lot better then the "oops" we're having a baby. :)

Well September is probably a better month to go to Disney anyways...and I know the kids will enjoy missing a week of school for some fun! Their friends do it all the time and its their turn! ALSO, since I'm a jeans only gal....Sept might be nicer for me! lol See it all happens for a good reason, right?!

I referred a friend to the Agency to be a surrogate. Her screening and physical were today. I sure hope that she does well. She was very nervous, but then so was I when I went in for my screening. I think she will do fine. I'm so excited for her. I've been very happy with my choice. :)

Well, nothing exciting going on here. My kids are getting bored but its been to hot out to really enjoy anything. Actually wish it would rain so the grass would turn green.

Got to run...dinner is ready (or burning)....
Have a great day!

A Surrogate Mom

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