Sunday, December 31, 2006

December 31st, 2006 - Happy New Years

Happy New Year to everyone.
I wish you all a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2007!

Hi Everyone!!!

Can not believe a year has gone by since I signed up to be a surrogate!!! I guess it hasn't been that long with my IP since we were only matched last May.

I hope that 2007 is a good year for my family and his....and he will be blessed with a baby or two (or three)!!! LOL I just had to add that last comment b/c I know it will make him laugh when he reads that. Well I pray for two healthy babies for him in 2007! :)

My new years resolution for 2007? LOL I remember my parents used to make us write something every year and I thought it was the stupidest thing to do. That is probably why I never do it now. But like any other day, I'd like to give up drinking pop (mainly the caffeine) and cut out the fried foods. As far as exercise is concerned. I think I should make it a habit to use one of the dusty exercise equipment I have downstairs every morning. :) Forget the walking...this is MINNESOTA!!! No way! least not during the cold months! Sure am looking forward to my next trip to LA!!! Its cold, snowy and wet here....hmmm....and my IP is away on vacation where its nice, warm and sunny!!! Lucky him!!! And I thought I was the one to be spoiled here!!! lol j/k

So do I really have a new years resolution? Nope. Do you???

DH, the kids and I are staying home to celebrate the new year. Fun food and munchies and movies!!! Got to love it. :)

Well, time to get back to the family!

Have a wonderful and safe New Years!!!

A Surrogate Mom

Friday, December 29, 2006

December 29th, 2006 - 211


It was a long night but I got up at 7 am...warmed up the suburban and went to the hospital for the second time this week to have a beta test. My little 2 yr old had the sickies and so I had to bathe her, change the sheets, wash the sheets, make the bed in the middle of the night. Why is it that her daddy can sleep through her sobs and stuff. He had no clue that she had been sick and I was up with her, as it lasted a few hours. Since I was still up at 5 am, I made his coffee as he was getting up for work then. The dork thought I just got home from bingo and the casino!!! (I actually got home at 11 pm, thank you!) Anyways, my little girl is ok. I think her daddy and big brother gave her a little bit too much pop, juice and cookies...all the stuff I don't like her to have. Well the juice is ok, but in moderation.

So, my hcg level is at 211 today. Not good. The fertility nurse says its either a chemical pregnancy or tissue still left from the miscarriage. Nevertheless I have been referred to my local ob to decide if a d & c needs to be done or a shot of Methotri.....something lol If I was local to the fertility clinic then they would have opted for the shot. I spoke with the local ob nurse and told her that I've had enough of the beta tests. I want it to be over. The lab insists on taking the blood from my right arm and its just sore. You can even see the marks from previous draws! I dont think I want the shot which will help to zero out the hcg because it means continue trips to the lab. Just want the d & c done so we can get on with our lives and begin a new transfer.

There are so many pros and cons of the d & c. At this point, I have still been bleeding on and off since the miscarriage...somedays more so then its never going to end. Basically, as I have been saying, I have had the d & c. When I talked to my local OB on yesterday, he had stated that if the numbers didn't go down significantly that was an option.

So I have an appt to see him on Wed to discuss the next step. Sure looking forward to it!

BTW, I won at Bingo last night. Shannon and I decided to check out bingo at the casino ( and what a blast! Of course we split the winnings and played the slots for a few hours! Can't beat a free night of Bingo and slots! Just love it! They have a non-smoking section too which is I will be able to play there when I am preggo!!!

Well I got to run now. Have a great day!

A Surrogate Mom

Thursday, December 28, 2006

December 28th, 2006 - 220

Hope you all had a nice Christmas. Ours was nice. Saturday at DH's parents house was bearable and no drama!!! What's up with that?! LOL The kids had a great time. Tuesday I had another beta test done. 220 (it was 228 last Tuesday). So my fertility dr is having me tested tomorrow. If its not gone down, then they will give me an injection. I wonder WHO will be doing that since they are in LA and I'm here. My OB called today and he said to come in Tuesday, get tested and if not better then they will consider a D & C now. I was so tired that I didn't remember to mention that my fertility dr was going to do something tomorrow. Either way, I hope something is done SOON because I really am getting tired of the waiting. I want something to be done so I can start getting ready for a second transfer. Its been almost a year and its frustrating...LOL and the only thing happening is that I'm getting older!

I know I know. PATIENCE! Well I bet my IP is anxious and tired of just don't know it.

Well just got home from playing Bingo at the Casino and then some slots. lol I won in Bingo so it paid for my night and then some. That's the way to do it! Better get some sleep. Will let you know what happens tomorrow.

A Surrogate Mom

December 28th, 2006 - 220

Hope you all had a nice Christmas. Ours was nice. Saturday at DH's parents house was bearable and no drama!!! What's up with that?! LOL The kids had a great time. Santa didn't come to the Knack house this year...and you can bet he will NEVER forget again! lol DH's parents never did the Christmas stocking thing and its been an issue forever and since DH controls the checkbook...there was no Santa. BUT on Christmas eve the kids were excited to hang their stockings and DH never felt so bad!!! Serves him right! Well they seemed to get over it with our explanation that Santa gave us $$$ so we could get everything on their Christmas list! And so they did. :) Anyways...can't believe his parents didn't do stockings! wow Tuesday I had another beta test done. 220 (it was 228 last Tuesday). So my fertility dr is having me tested tomorrow. If its not gone down, then they will give me an injection. I wonder WHO will be doing that since they are in LA and I'm here. My OB called today and he said to come in Tuesday, get tested and if not better then they will consider a D & C now. I was so tired that I didn't remember to mention that my fertility dr was going to do something tomorrow. Either way, I hope something is done SOON because I really am getting tired of the waiting. I want something to be done so I can start getting ready for a second transfer. Its been almost a year and its frustrating...LOL and the only thing happening is that I'm getting older!

I know I know. PATIENCE! Well I bet my IP is anxious and tired of just don't know it.

Well just got home from playing Bingo at the Casino and then some slots. lol I won in Bingo so it paid for my night and then some. That's the way to do it! Better get some sleep. Will let you know what happens tomorrow.

A Surrogate Mom

Friday, December 22, 2006

December 22nd, 2006 - 228

Ok. I spoke with the nurse from my local OB. My score was 228. It was not a significant decrease as hoped for. Stated that I will retest at 8 am on Tuesday, Dec 26th. Local OB made an order in addition to my fertility dr's order, as we have been having problems getting the final report sent to my dr. YES, frustrating! OH and I finally remembered to ask my fertility clinic to state on the order that I could call in for the test results. So at least if they don't send the report STAT as stated, I will know the numbers and can report verbally.

The good news... DH and I decided to move back to the cities until he can secure a good job in CA. Moving back will make him closer to his job plus I will go back to the OB clinic that I used to go to PLUS deliver in the hospital that I had my last two children in. UNLESS, of course, DH finds a job in CA and we move out there. :) Now if only I could get preggo!!! lol

Good news about DH's job. While work will probably cut back because of the holidays, the guy above DH is retiring today and they are not replacing him. So hopefully this will mean DH will be working more hours. OMG that would be awesome because I really can't enjoy being a SAHM when he's here with me during the day!!! lol

Well the kids are in school and the baby is with my friend this morning. Its nice and I'm getting some stuff done here...yeah!!! So breaktime over. :)

Have a great day!
A Surrogate Mom

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

December 20th, 2006 - Five Days Until Christmas

Happy Holidays!!

Had my blood test on Tuesday (yesterday) and my hcg levels are going down. I can't remember what they said my level was but for the sake of having a number, lets just say 224. So its gone down some but not a big drop since last Tuesday. The clinic hasn't told me much about what they think but that I will be tested again next Tuesday and they will let me know more then. Ok, even though its quite frustrating. I don't see why they just don't do something to make all the hcg go away. lol Too simple probably? lol

Well I hope next Tuesday will bring better news.

Some of my other surro mom friends have gone in for their transfers and gotten preggo on the first time, so its making me feel bad that I didn't get preggo the first time. I think I feel a little jealous...feeling like everyone else is luckier then me. This waiting makes me feel like I'm in a rut or something. There's nothing that I can do right now to help this surrogacy along and I feel like I should be doing something. I just can't wait until we have some hope for a new transfer.

I'm not too much in the Holiday mood, so I will be happy when its over. The kids are excited plus looking forward to seeing their grandparents on Saturday. I wouldn't mind it but DH's family are huge chain smokers. I wish I could say I was preggo and couldn't be around second hand smoke. They are RUDE SMOKERS too. They don't care if you are still eating...they light up their ciggys. Thank goodness DH has quit!!!! Its nice to not smell of SMOKE!!!

Well, 5 days left until Christmas. DH will do the shopping for the kids on Friday...payday! I always buy stupid I leave all that to him. :) Less stress that way. lol

We will be up late Christmas Eve because "Santa" will fill the children's stockings and put up the Christmas tree! That's what he's done the last 8 years because then the little ones and the dog(s) didn't get into the tree and presents. Since our little one is just 2, we will carry the tradition on another year or two.

Hope all is well with you and you survive this holiday healthy, happy and ??? warm? lol Loss of words there!

A Surrogate Mom

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

December 13th, 2006 - 284

That's my HCG level as of yesterday, 284. Will have to have another test done next Tuesday. My level needs to get back to zero. Once at Zero, the fertility dr, IP and I will discuss the plan for our second transfer. So its the waiting game again, and you KNOW how I do with "waiting!" lol

Thank you to the wonderful thoughtful emails to my post on Dec 6th. I do realize that miscarrying the baby was not my fault and things do happen for a reason. I think its only natural to have thoughts as I did in situations like that but I do know that it wasn't something that I did or didn't do. Whether its a planned miscarriage or not, it truly is a heartbreaking ordeal for all those involved to have to go through. And I hope that anyone going through this has a good support system to get you through this, or at least know that there are many resources out there for support.

Thank you again for the support to get through this and for sharing your stories. My heart goes out to the women who have tried so hard to get pregnant. If I had more years, I would try to help as many people (men and/or women) to have babies that can't.

My journey as a surrogate has been long so far and we are only getting started!

A Surrogate Mom

December 13th, 2006 - Where Everybody Knows Your Name

Where Everybody Knows Your Name
by Gary Portnoy and Judy Hart Angelo

Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got.
Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot.
Wouldn't you like to get away?
Sometimes you want to go
Where everybody knows your name,
and they're always glad you came.
You wanna be where you can see,
our troubles are all the same
You wanna be where everybody knows
Your name.
You wanna go where people know,
people are all the same,
You wanna go where everybody knows your name.

Lately I have been feeling like "Norm" when I go out to play Bar Bingo at the various different country know...where ever the coverall jackpots are big! lol Every night and day there is some type of bar Bingo to go to...but I've been hitting the ones on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (if no church, lol...great alternative to church), Thursday and sometimes Friday! At first I thought it was a gambling addiction but I really can say that it isn't because I don't have the finances to support a gambling addiction! I've been pretty lucky to win big at this Bingo stuff and then I can play for days off the winnings! After being home all day with the kids, its a nice break to get away...of course we only go when its a big its not all the time...just seems like it. lol Anyways...I don't have a gambling addiction and I can say NO without any far (lol). J/K, addiction. I just like to go and be around friends. PS...I also do not smoke or drink.

But let's get back to "Norm." Sunday was the Christmas pageant at the church I have been a member of for just over 2 years. The first two years, I went religiously every Sunday and was there every Wednesday to help out with Logos and Confirmation...and nursery for Alpha on Sunday nights and basically whenever I was asked to help out. I've sort of lost interest in going every Sunday because I just can't help but feel like an my own church! I "know" a lot of people at church. I KNOW they "know" who I am. Ok...back to I got there an hour early b/c I have learned in past years that you have to if you want to sit up front and see the kids. So I'm sitting in the third row from the front on the right. When I arrived, there were people in the first three rows on the left that I know from church and our children's schools...I smiled towards them and ok...its not like they invited me to sit with them...although they did invite another family who we "know" to sit closer to them... they did the "look the other way" thing...whether it was intentional or happened. So I sat by myself, across the aisle from this group. No one said anything to me. I had the entire pew row to myself.

It gets better, mind you. The entire church FILLS UP and I'm still the only one in the darn pew!!! Ok...I might be a little fat b/c of having babies, but I'm not ugly. I am a nice person and never had bad words with anyone at church or the school. Oh...and I don't smell, and well I was wearing jeans and a fleece pullover from College. People NORMALLY will fill in the empty spots up front, KWIM? But not the pew I was sitting in. I was far from being a stranger. I'm not the type of person to brag about myself or talk about other people. I have a home business but I don't ever bother anyone about buy something or have a party. So no reason to avoid me, that I can think of. So why was it that I sat all by myself in this pew....third row from the front???

Well the pew in front of me was getting packed by this one family and they tried to squeeze 2 more adults in but just couldn't do it. lol The two eventually sat on the other end of the pew that I was in. After the program started, an older couple like my parents age, sat in the middle of the pew finally. It just was amusing to say the least.

So where does "Norm" come in? Well, last night I went to Bar Bingo in a town 14 miles from here...a town I dont know anyone but knew that the jackpot was $1500. I walk in there not knowing anyone but everyone sitting around the bars and the few tables who recognized me said "HI (and my name)" WOW am I in Church? Oh, wait its a BAR! I realized that there were people who I've seen at other places but didn't know, greeted me as well. I also realized that some people who said my name I didn't know and they knew it. So I was introduced to them by other people sitting next to them that knew me. I was introduced to another couple who I've seen but never knew their name. So now I realize why I have been at the bars more frequently...the people I meet at these different bars have taken the time to just say HI, have some nice conversation, as well as to invite me to other things happening around town...just like any good friends would do. Not once in the two years at my church has anyone asked me to do something with them or "hey, lets get together with the kids" and actually do it.

Trust me, I have gone out of my way to participate/volunteer in church to get to know the other members...even invited them to do things, etc. No one has ever called me. (LOL, doesn't that sound pathetically sad???) My kids and I...or just myself, will walk into church events and look for a place to sit and not once has anyone invited us/me to sit with them. I would really think something was wrong with me but its just a church thing...I'm not liked in God's House...well this particular one...but I can walk into a bar, of all places, and feel like NORM "where everyone knows your name."

Church and God are important to me. I just choose not to flaunt it like some people who need to remind us they are Christians, etc I find that some people (my bar friends) feel that church is a clique of people and its about donating our money. When I first attended this church, I loved it because the sermons were uplifting and I could relate in many ways. The sermons set me up for the week of the things I needed to be more aware of, things I need to work on changing in my life, how I can help others, how I can do more for my family and for God. I didn't care about how many friends I made, etc. The people were nice and are nice. They just aren't very open to letting outsiders in...its just so hard to break into their circles. Maybe they don't realize it, but I wish they would. Yes, one of the great things about our church is that the senior pastor plays the drums during our services sometimes. I think that is kewl. Church can and should be a great place for everyone to come together, but sadly I don't see that happening.

I just love the lyrics to the Cheer's theme song. Its so fitting for my life...for my life with my husband and kids...for my husband. Well, in the end, I know its not just me and my life doesn't just revolve around me making friends at church. I've dwelled on it and now its time to move on. I am looking forward to moving with my family to begin a new adventure in our lives, meet new people, get to know another part of the world and to see what our future brings.

Have a wonderful day!

A Surrogate Mom

Sunday, December 10, 2006

December 10th, 2006 - Happy Sunday

Hi Everyone!

It's so nice and warm here in Minnesota! Unbelievable! Nice to know when we go to the Christmas program at church in couple of hours, we won't be freezing ourselves to get there!

I am doing well. With it being somewhat warm here, I've been out in the garage decluttering and getting rid of things to sell at the flea market. DH got rid of his Vikings Shrine/Memorabilia stuff. Wonder if that stuff will sell as the Vikings somewhat SUCK this season. lol I'm slowly getting rid of all the material things that I have collected and done nothing with. I was thinking that when we get to CA and find a permanent home, I will start collecting new things! (Oh great! lol)

Went to see a local OB on Friday. No internal exam, thank goodness. Too late for a D & C. Will wait until Tuesday when I have my hcg levels tested. If the numbers are elevated then a D & C might be required but do not anticipate that at all. I am pretty confident that my body has cleansed itself from this. I will be happy when my HCG levels are zero so we can begin again. Keep forgetting to ask if this miscarry would be considered my first period or not. LOL will make my IP remember to ask!

Nothing much more to report. Pretty boring right now in my life. Hoping that things go well that we can plan another transfer fairly quickly. Wish us luck!

Have a great day!
A Surrogate Mom

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

December 6th, 2006 - Something I forgot to say....

One of the feelings that I have about this miscarriage is what went wrong? What did I do? Did the sushi I ate effect this? I crave Coke Cola, which I limit to one a day...did the caffeine effect this? What can I do in the future to make the transfer work, etc. Or if it wasn't me...what about the embryos?

Unfortunately my doctor hasn't said anything. I just wish there was an answer. KWIM?

Before this, I've had 4 easy pregnancies, no abortions, no miscarriages. All 4 healthy babies. So it makes you wonder why this did not take. Its frustrating to know that the surrogates that I've met in the past year got pregnant the first, ok...why not me? Then I do know a few others who didn't get pregnant until the 2nd or 3rd try. Ok...well I hope it works the 2nd time because I'm going to start stressing too much!

Well, will work on getting myself all better to begin for a second transfer!

A Surrogate Mom

December 6th, 2006 - Thank You!

Thank you for all the nice emails. It has been very helpful to hear from other moms who have gone through a miscarriage before.

I am doing fine, as is my IP. I think we've been able to get through this because we pretty much knew in the beginning that it wasn't good, so it was not a surprise. I was told that I would have to miscarry on my own. So that is why we have been able to deal with this. It was the physical part of the miscarriage that was a bit freaky, as I said before. I think what hurt more were some insensitive remarks that I dont feel like most women who miscarry because it was not my baby. HELLO? I sometimes wonder what people are thinking when they say stupid stuff like that. You know...sometimes its just better if you don't say anything at all. While I have no legal rights and biological ties to the baby/babies, I am the birth mother. I help give life to these babies and in the end I will give birth to them. I do have a heart and I feel for these babies whether they are mine or not. I'm just a stronger person in dealing with the loss and I am dealing with it in my way. I'm sharing my feelings and telling it how it is because people shouldn't assume they just know how it is. People can "empathize" with me if they too have suffered a miscarriage, but you can't know what's going on in my head or how I should feel. I know people might mean well but please don't tell me I don't care or don't feel as bad as a woman who looses her biological child.

lol I think this falls along the lines of NEVER EVER ask a woman how far along she is...because knowing your luck...she isn't pregnant!

Well, what next? On Friday I will go see an OB here in town. On Tuesday I am supposed to go in for blood work to check my hcg (the pregnancy hormone) levels. My levels need to be back at zero to begin another transfer. The good thing about the next transfer is that we do not have to coordinate with an ED. Its just me and my cycle. I will also be able to do my own shots! lol I can't remember if I mentioned that I finally was able to do it! It isn't too bad after you get over how LONG the darn needle is. lol Thank goodness for having a nice padded butt! I think that helps! :)

DH hasn't heard back on any of the jobs that he has applied for. Its sort of frustrating because I know he wants a change from what he's doing now. We all are anxious to move...even the kids. My oldest hasn't been happy since we move to this country town two years ago, so he is very willing to move to CA. I sure hope that he is happier then. The other two are excited too and well, the baby doesn't really know.

All I know is that I can't wait to move and be in a home that has a working oven! LOL I sure do miss being able to make snacks and stuff for the kids...or have a nice oven baked meal!

Well, time to call it a day. I've napped quite a bit today but I still feel I could get more sleep!

Thank you again for your support and prayers!
A Surrogate Mom

Monday, December 04, 2006

December 4th, 2006 - The Next Day


Well I can safely say its over now. I miscarried yesterday and what a mess! I've never miscarried before so the sight of all the blood sort of freaked me out. Otherwise I am ok. I can't believe all there was and I think I am going to insist that I have a D & C done...mostly because it was gross and I really want to make sure its all out. I had to use a plunger in the tub! Unbelievable. I just thought it wouldn't stop. Emotionally, I am ok with how things turned out.

Today I feel ok. The nasea (sp?) has gone, so thats good. I was only about 7-8 weeks along and the baby hadn't grown. So I'm glad we were not further along when this happened. I think had I been further along it would have been tougher to deal with. I'm still somewhat tired, emotionally and physically...some of it too is DH's final decision to relocate our family to CA. It would be great if DH could find a job pretty quickly so that we'd be in CA by the time of the next transfer. Now that would be nice.

I didn't hear from the clinic today which is strange, as they usually return my calls. hmmmm DH just said they called after I left for Bingo tonight. lol

Well, its late and the little one is getting into my mess on my desk, so its time to call it a day.

Have a good week!
A Surrogate Mom

Saturday, December 02, 2006

December 2nd, 2006 - IF My Kids Can Whine, So Can I!!!

Woke up today feeling just miserable. Definate case of morning sickness. The kids ate all the darn crackers in the house, so nothing to make me feel better! Had to get my daughter to basketball by 9 am and wait there until she was done. Drove down to the cities to put $15 on the CC just so my oldest could play Final Fantasy on XBox 360! Was so happy to be back so I could take a nap and not feel nausea. You'd think after four kids that I'd get used to the feeling. lol The nap helped although I missed out going to Bingo with my neighbor. :(

I think my body is getting ready to miscarry as I noticed I started to spot again. I'm having cramping too. So hopefully once this happens, I will feel better. I really haven't wanted to do much lately.

Ok...I really don't have much to whine about other then feeling yukky. But one last drives me crazy how "rude" and "tacky" people can be. People that don't even know I'm doing this surrogacy will pat my stomach and ask me how far along. Hello, you idiot, I'm just fat! Why do people do that? Its not that I'm terribly fat...I do have my belly from having my last years ago. If you don't know a person is pregnant or not, then don't say anything....because its probably none of your business. lol ok...I'm done with that subject!

I just realized that my darling husband went and got some me my own box of saltines and a ton of tv dinners so I wouldn't have to cook. I suppose it would be rude of me to tell him that the idea of having tv dinners makes my stomach turn! I wish it wasn't so cold out or I'd go to the grocery store. lol Got to love it that he tried!

Well, I'm off to pick up the house a bit and maybe take an evening nap or something. lol

Have a great weekend!
A Surrogate Mom