Saturday, December 02, 2006

December 2nd, 2006 - IF My Kids Can Whine, So Can I!!!

Woke up today feeling just miserable. Definate case of morning sickness. The kids ate all the darn crackers in the house, so nothing to make me feel better! Had to get my daughter to basketball by 9 am and wait there until she was done. Drove down to the cities to put $15 on the CC just so my oldest could play Final Fantasy on XBox 360! Was so happy to be back so I could take a nap and not feel nausea. You'd think after four kids that I'd get used to the feeling. lol The nap helped although I missed out going to Bingo with my neighbor. :(

I think my body is getting ready to miscarry as I noticed I started to spot again. I'm having cramping too. So hopefully once this happens, I will feel better. I really haven't wanted to do much lately.

Ok...I really don't have much to whine about other then feeling yukky. But one last drives me crazy how "rude" and "tacky" people can be. People that don't even know I'm doing this surrogacy will pat my stomach and ask me how far along. Hello, you idiot, I'm just fat! Why do people do that? Its not that I'm terribly fat...I do have my belly from having my last years ago. If you don't know a person is pregnant or not, then don't say anything....because its probably none of your business. lol ok...I'm done with that subject!

I just realized that my darling husband went and got some me my own box of saltines and a ton of tv dinners so I wouldn't have to cook. I suppose it would be rude of me to tell him that the idea of having tv dinners makes my stomach turn! I wish it wasn't so cold out or I'd go to the grocery store. lol Got to love it that he tried!

Well, I'm off to pick up the house a bit and maybe take an evening nap or something. lol

Have a great weekend!
A Surrogate Mom

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