Monday, December 04, 2006

December 4th, 2006 - The Next Day


Well I can safely say its over now. I miscarried yesterday and what a mess! I've never miscarried before so the sight of all the blood sort of freaked me out. Otherwise I am ok. I can't believe all there was and I think I am going to insist that I have a D & C done...mostly because it was gross and I really want to make sure its all out. I had to use a plunger in the tub! Unbelievable. I just thought it wouldn't stop. Emotionally, I am ok with how things turned out.

Today I feel ok. The nasea (sp?) has gone, so thats good. I was only about 7-8 weeks along and the baby hadn't grown. So I'm glad we were not further along when this happened. I think had I been further along it would have been tougher to deal with. I'm still somewhat tired, emotionally and physically...some of it too is DH's final decision to relocate our family to CA. It would be great if DH could find a job pretty quickly so that we'd be in CA by the time of the next transfer. Now that would be nice.

I didn't hear from the clinic today which is strange, as they usually return my calls. hmmmm DH just said they called after I left for Bingo tonight. lol

Well, its late and the little one is getting into my mess on my desk, so its time to call it a day.

Have a good week!
A Surrogate Mom

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