Wednesday, December 20, 2006

December 20th, 2006 - Five Days Until Christmas

Happy Holidays!!

Had my blood test on Tuesday (yesterday) and my hcg levels are going down. I can't remember what they said my level was but for the sake of having a number, lets just say 224. So its gone down some but not a big drop since last Tuesday. The clinic hasn't told me much about what they think but that I will be tested again next Tuesday and they will let me know more then. Ok, even though its quite frustrating. I don't see why they just don't do something to make all the hcg go away. lol Too simple probably? lol

Well I hope next Tuesday will bring better news.

Some of my other surro mom friends have gone in for their transfers and gotten preggo on the first time, so its making me feel bad that I didn't get preggo the first time. I think I feel a little jealous...feeling like everyone else is luckier then me. This waiting makes me feel like I'm in a rut or something. There's nothing that I can do right now to help this surrogacy along and I feel like I should be doing something. I just can't wait until we have some hope for a new transfer.

I'm not too much in the Holiday mood, so I will be happy when its over. The kids are excited plus looking forward to seeing their grandparents on Saturday. I wouldn't mind it but DH's family are huge chain smokers. I wish I could say I was preggo and couldn't be around second hand smoke. They are RUDE SMOKERS too. They don't care if you are still eating...they light up their ciggys. Thank goodness DH has quit!!!! Its nice to not smell of SMOKE!!!

Well, 5 days left until Christmas. DH will do the shopping for the kids on Friday...payday! I always buy stupid I leave all that to him. :) Less stress that way. lol

We will be up late Christmas Eve because "Santa" will fill the children's stockings and put up the Christmas tree! That's what he's done the last 8 years because then the little ones and the dog(s) didn't get into the tree and presents. Since our little one is just 2, we will carry the tradition on another year or two.

Hope all is well with you and you survive this holiday healthy, happy and ??? warm? lol Loss of words there!

A Surrogate Mom

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