Not that I'm counting the days. I'm actually not...more like seeing how far I've come! We are just crossing our fingers that all goes well to get me to at least 34 weeks and PRAY that there is not a snow storm to make things worse! 34 weeks will be in January 2008.
Had my OB appt on Wed. Nothing too exciting. Gained a total of 14 pounds at 14 weeks, 3 days. Babies were not remeasured since it was done the week before when I was in the hospital. They did do an ultrasound to make sure the babies were moving and there were heartbeats. Everything looked fine. My next appointment is Sept 12th. The drive to the hospital for the appt wasn't too bad. I think we got there in 1 hr 15 minutes. Maybe if my husband was driving it would cut off 15 minutes??? lol Parking stinks, plus you have to pay. I chose to park in the ramp to save some $$$. NOT GOING TO DO THAT AGAIN. I will pay for the valet parking in front of the building. The walk from parking to where I had to go was like MILES long not to mention a couple times we got lost in the hospital because we missed some signs! I can not imagine walking that when I'm further along. lol
I'm officially in my second trimester. The morning sickness is not as severe but after a few hours of being up and tending to the kids, I start feeling really tired and sick, so I'm greatful that I can take naps when I need to. The OB dr says I can't do all day activities because with the triplets I need to rest often...I do agree to that! I'm not on bedrest anymore since I haven't had any more problems with bleeding. Thank goodness. That was a big scare. Certain foods...just thinking about it, makes me queasy and sometimes sick. I can't do garlic...nothing with no more Italian. Despite all this so far...I'm still wanting to do another surrogacy! lol
Oh I forgot to share a funny from one of my kids. When I got home from the hospital last week, my 6 yr old son greets me at the door and asks if I won a lot of money at the Casino! lol He thought I had been playing Bingo all day. He didn't think to ask his dad where I was. I said I was in the hospital. And he's like...oh, did you have a c-section? lol No, honey, I didn't. Then I told him what happened and then I turned to hubby and ask how his mom was doing and if he called her. His mom had major surgery that same day I was in the hospital. So, our 6 yr old says...oh, is grandma in the hospital having babies too? ROFL LMAO Grandma "monkey" as our youngest calls her....who is in her late 60's had a good laugh to that one! BTW, Grandma is okay. Thank goodness.
The kids go back to school the day after labor day. I'm going to have to look into the local daycare centers for the little one for when I go to appointments and when on bedrest. I realized that when I was on bedrest, I wasn't really getting rest because the little one kept sneaking in and waking me up. I think me being in bed so much is starting to take a toll on her and her wanting her mommy. I think going to daycare when I'm on bedrest will work well for her and she will be around other children her age...and I will get my rest and not feel guilty for her having to play by herself.
Well nothing too exciting going on right now. I'm off to bed now. Have a great weekend!
A Surrogate Mom
1 comment:
Thanks for the update! All still in my thoughts and prayers!!! Hang int here :)
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